Constant Companion in Facing Goodbye – a poetry anthology, published by Wee Sparrow Press (July 2024)
Blessing the Grass in Muddy March, published by Eclectica Magazine (May 2024)
In Sight, Out of Mind, published by Unpsychology (Nov. 2023)
My Dead Boyfriends, long-listed by Billy Collins for the Fish Publishing Poetry Prize 2023.
When to Flip the Pancakes, shortlisted by Billy Collins for the Fish Publishing Prize (2021), published in Stoneboat Literary Journal 12.1(May 2022)
Reverse Musical Chairs, first published by Stoneboat Literary Journal (March 2019), read by Billy Collins on The Poetry Broadcast (9 September 2021)
DNA Results, pacificREVIEW (2021)
Hope is the Thing with Feathers, Moonstone Arts Center Anthology, Philadelphia (2021)
Five Haiku, Haiku, Moonstone Arts Center, Philadelphia (2021)
When the Dish Ran Away with the Spoon, long-listed for the 2022 Fish Poetry Prize by Billy Collins. (May 2022)
My Math, finalist for Voice of Peace: International Poetry and Short Story Anthology Competition (2021)
The Clean Plate, first published by Crab Orchard Review (Dec. 2019), read by Billy Collins on The Poetry Broadcast (23 Nov. 2021).
Strawberry Jam, Crab Orchard Review (Oct. 2019)
Summer Supper Menu, Offshoots 15 – Writing from Geneva (2020), featured by National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo) 2015
How to Body Surf, Offshoots 15 – Writing from Geneva (2020)
The Recruit, Eclectica Magazine (July 2019)
Elegy for the Prisoners in My Study, Havik: The Las Positas College Journal of Arts and Literature (May 2019)
Birthright, Snapdragon: A Journal of Art and Healing, (March 2019)
State of Grace, Offshoots 14 — Writing from Geneva (2017)
From “The Snake Island Series,” L’horreur, Kyiv Train Station Interview, Volodymyr the Bear, WordCity Literary Journal (May 2022)
Home Alone: Two Versions, The Rangoli, (April 2022)
Dadderwhacky, Moonstone Arts Center, “Nonsense Anthology 2022”
CandyLand Obituraries, LOL Comedy, (Jan 2022)
Gravity, The Woolf, (November 2021)
Cigarettes After Sex, The Asses of Parnassus (2021)
There’s Something About Writing In Cursive, LOL Comedy (2021)
Grand Opening Review was featured by National Poetry Writing Month (2021)
The Name Game, Detour Ahead (2021)
Two Clutches, Detour Ahead (2021)
Hot Flash! Hot Stuff (NOT) The Menopause Goddess Blog (2021)
Des Êtres Liés, Le Devenir des Pluies (2020)
Un Crayon, Le Devenir des Pluies (2020)
Aloof Moon – Lune Opportune, Une/Nue (2019)
Brake, Brake, Brake, Parody Poetry (2019)
I Cannot Tell, Parody Poetry (2019)
To Switzerland with Love, from the Watchmaker’s Wife, Talesmag, (June 2019)
Carrying the Ashes was featured by National Poetry Writing Month (2018)
Said Unsaid was chosen by Naomi Shihab Nye for the Geneva Writers’ Literary Prize, 2nd place, (2017)
Hide and Seek at the Bataclan, The Society of Classical Poets (2017)
The Morning After, Rock & Sling (2017)
Pocket Watch, Horological Times (2017)
Four and Fourteen, Offshoots 12 — Writing from Geneva (2015), first published in Necessary Fiction (2012)
Everyday Haiku, Everyday Haiku: an Anthology (2014) Ten of my haiku are scattered throughout the book.
Sunflower, Necessary Fiction (2012)
Acorns, Offshoots 11 – Writing from Geneva (2011)
Mother-Daughter Tankas, Offshoots 11 – Writing from Geneva (2011)
Poetry on the radio
Reader for work by Laura Kasischke, Emily Dickinson, and Sylvia Plath on French Public Radio program Les Arpenteurs Poétiques. (2021-2024)
Home, The Potato Soup Journal (2021)
Laundry Lint, Nanny Magazine (2019)
Mastering French, Talesmag (2018)
Good Neighbor, Writer in Residence at Necessary Fiction (2012)
Pillow Fight, Writer in Residence at Necessary Fiction (2012)
Backpacks and Mammograms, Swissnews (2006)
Various OpEds/Comments/Letters to the Editor/Clips: South China Morning Post, 24heures, New York Times (Small Acts of Love, Feb 2024)